I-REC Certificate attests that 100% of the energy used at Engemasa comes from renewable sources

I-REC Certificate attests that 100% of the energy used at Engemasa comes from renewable sources

The I-REC Certificate (International Renewable Energy Certificate) is the international standard used to certify the production and consumption of electricity generated from renewable sources.

This enables to formalize the commitment to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and other environmental impacts caused by non-renewable energy.

I-REC is crucial for companies involved in ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) practices, such as Engemasa, to commit to sustainable development.

In this sense, to neutralize emissions related to energy consumption, since 2022, we have held the I-REC Certificate.

During this period, we have already neutralized the energy consumption of 12,053 MWh, which would mean the emission of 305 tons of CO2 or the equivalent compensation of 2125 trees.

Thus, Engemasa’s practice is related to SDGs 7, 9, 11, 12, and 13, reinforcing our commitment to the environment.

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